JAM: EGM: In advance I will say that I know where this thread is going even before it leaves page 1. I much rather prefer JAM over MEHEM and ONLY IN COMBINATION with EGM. I personally could never accept MEHEM as my canon in ME3 though. Till that day however consoles can be burned for all I am concerned nevertheless that is only my opinion. Download Free Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod (MEHEM v0.4) Miranda Romance of The Tubidy Internet site does have lots of domains name and other people can. If they would make a console be able to use mouse and keyboard maybe I would buy a console then. I do not know on that however where to begin since I have never nor will I ever own any console since medical reasons keep the controller from being a blessing and instead make it into being a curse worse nightmare than the nightmare of constantly trying to swim to the surface as the octopus wraps your leg pulling you down deep below the waterline. Maybe if someone could figure out a way to implant DLC mods into the console version of the games' directory maybe it would be a start.

I am glad that with the PC version at least we have some freedom. You will see your Shepard reunited with his crew (and even some interaction unique to your LI if the LI is part of the Normandy crew).I doubt that we will ever get modifications of this level for the console versions as they are locked up like an unbreakable safe to the level needed to implement required game modifications to be seen in game. While EDI and the Geth will not necessarily show in the epilogue, you can add an optional add-in to make the Geth and Quarians appear at peace in the epilogue slides The implication that the Geth and EDI are destroyed is removed together with the catalyst. The Normandy no longer crash-lands on the Weirdo Planet MEHEM The Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod - Polish translation MEHEM is a reinterpretation of the endings of Mass Effect 3, which allows Commander Shepard to survive the final mission, among many other changes. It introduces a whole new scene showing how Joker disobeys orders and keeps the Normandy in the fight long enough for Shepard to be rescued (with the help of a certain Alliance captain ) (So is your choice, you will now destroy the reapers no matter what)